One restful Sunday you wake up at around 11 in the morning, find out that you`ve got no exhaling work for the entire day and decide to spend the rest of your day the same way. To begin with your daily machinery you find your way to the common bathroom holding a toothbrush in one hand and a bottle of hand-wash in the other. Controlling yourself out of those two trembling legs and the chunks of slightly illusive hangovers at times, you find yourself in front of the wash-basin. Whole of your future finds itself in a black-hole when you see millions of small-medium-large-extra large pieces of pubic hair choking the basin-pipes, both of them! You rush to find a bathroom as nausea circles you and you need to over-flow. All you hear is different catchy numbers again in the encrypted forms each in a different tone from all the 4 bathrooms. They are all around you like Zombies! Hit your head against the wall if you have the slightest intention of survival.
You think of having lunch, but you forget that hell is all around you. You find the Zombies all around you, in front of you, both sides, walking by. Even a chicken has better dining manners. The following 20 minutes pass with your face finding a way to dip into the vegetable curry and chock yourself to death.
One chilly night of early December, end terms finished the day before. All you want to do is get you’re your cozy bed, get yourself fully covered with a warm blanket and enjoy a sound undisturbed sleep. It`s just before you can achieve the state of ‘The deep sleep’, you hear some radio-labeled voice followed by another and another just outside your door. One can`t think of a CIA operation in India and even when your clock in showing 2:30. You try to ignore that for a while. But that trial continues for some fifteen minutes before things start getting out of control. You pick up your last option and get yourself out of Heaven. You open the door and what you find is a dark figure covered up to his neck with an even darker shawl speaking, rather shouting over his beloved while the phone is in the ‘Speaker’ mode. You look around. All you can hear around is ‘Nothing’. All you can find around is ‘No one’. But this fellow keeps talking and suddenly he turns around, the contrasting color of his teeth reminding you that ghosts exist.
In your semi-conscious state, you look at him for a moment and how to react the next. The temperature outside and the chilled air efficiently doing its job makes you leave all aside and close the door behind you as quickly as possible. When life`s at stack, even a lazy fat dog can react faster than a squirrel. You enter back inside the bed carefully trying to remove the nasty noises but failing to do so, you try to stick your ears to them even more carefully. ’Neglecting your breaths while you listen can make you an undercover agent’. Such carrier opportunities often strike you when you have nothing else to do but compelled to listen to such noises while being inside a comfortable bed.
Carefully listen to the sound and guess what it is!! You should not be surprised this time. You really are in Hell. You look out for your watch every 5 minutes praying to God a million times between each of the interval before it is the moment when the battery goes down. Finally it`s your turn to thank God that he kept you alive all this time.