Sunday, August 16, 2009

Often I talk to my heart

Often I talk to my heart, it speaks about my past
Beats when the intellect sees us walking
Together holding hands in hands;
Cries out loud each time I walk alone.

It takes me to the untamed north
With a smell of counterinsurgency in its air,
Approaching me with a blow that crushes me again and again,
Absence of wrinkles in the forehead is though very rare.

It takes me to the frozen Alps
I feel my feet embedded deep into the ice,
Often have a utopia about you staring at me from a distance,
But can’t move an inch towards you.

It takes me deep into those foggy woods
With inauspicious screams of uncharted creatures all around.
I get distracted from my original path,
Feel the deficiency of light among those long, dense trees.

It takes me right into the middle of lusty deserts
I see nothing around, but the sand making variable textures.
It often leaves me with no reason to remain alive,
But still I seek for your presence; want to die in your arms.

However sometimes it takes me right into its own core,
I see your elegant face, smiling.
So perfectly crafted, perfectly molded.
I don`t want to be out, I feel so alive.

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