Monday, May 11, 2009

Mothers Day

When I started Writing ::

It`s a rare cloudy morning of May, the exam month. Every walking creature with a pair of each limb, having some cotton on them, is seen to have some stapled papers in hands, walking down the road, with not at all a single scope of nain-sukh-praapti, there are not much of the chances one gets inside the campus though. But there is one guy, totally in a different state of mind, busy listening to an extremely man-ish voice of the RJ who calls herself Vinita hosting the regular morning show, AIRed by a very famous channel.

That freak gets himself so involved in the bakar-bakar talks of the RJ, that he forgets that he has an End-Sem paper just within an hour or so. He comes into the real world only when his stomach shouts, 'knock knock, give me something !!'. He does his regular breakfast in the ultra-modern mess having its own Electric Tandoor, comes back and sticks himself to his radio-cum-mobile phone. The same Vinita taking messages of people, concerning how much they love their mothers. Mothers day today ??, asking himself, he narrows down his ears to get some more updates. Suddenly she reads out some lines SMS-ed by some listener, followed by a song from the movie TZP inluding that "Maa" word, which pushed him into the depths of sentiments, when he starts writing.....

I`m gonna return home,
Every single day she keeps waiting.
Whenever tears visit her eyes,
She keeps smiling.

It`s like all the time when i feel my empty stomach,
There is just a single call
When she turns off her favourite daily soap,
She keeps baking.

There are times when I`ve got nothing to do but wander,
She leaves her gossip-conferences with the Aunties next door.
She wants to know every happening,
She sits by and keeps listening.

There are treats some evening and late at night,
There are friends hovering all around
Theoritically they are only our enjoy moments,
But then she loves running.

There are sleepless midnights when I host some viruses,
She keeps reminding me the angelic effects of those bitter pills.
Talking of the Love Marriages of nice-nephews,
Unless I`m deep asleep, she keeps waking.

I relive those moments every single day,
Wish I could express my Love and Honour,
I pay my tribute to this selfless soul,
Wish my each day to be a Mothers Day.

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