Monday, September 28, 2009

One more day

The sun has set now; one more day is dead now.
Turn back to see what have you gained;
Don`t count the lost, `cause
You never take back the drained.

The sun has set now; one more day is dead now.
Sit amongst your loved ones, get expressed,
You never know you`d lose someone so special
Someday, keeping yourself suppressed.

The sun has set now; one more day is dead now.
Give a call to the one you had a conflict with that day,
Don`t let an ego be the reason,
Get it over by the same evening, anyway.

The sun has set now; one more day is dead now.
Think over the bonds you made today,
Bring over the faces that make you smile;
Sacrifice for love, whether it is January or May.

The sun has set now; one more day is dead now.
Evaluate the safe distances for each individual,
Don`t get too close that some relations end up
With someone getting hurt what-so-ever might be the ritual.

The sun has set now; one more day is dead now.
Close your eyes and let your mind see the world.
Move your soul towards God, a step more closer
Think future but don`t get curled.

The sun has set now; one more day is dead now.
You might have forgotten a lot from the lot;
There are things you think are dead now,
But the next day you have to give them one more shot.

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